Kit for Emergency GSM Communication

Whenever a disaster/catastrophe happens, many emergency forces and rescue teams are deployed to the affected area and many rescue systems are activated. Rescue teams that might be from different organizations and countries needs to be able to communicate freely and easily between them self and preferred in a very intuitive way.

In recent crisis situations such as in Haiti and Chile earthquakes or Pakistan floods (and many others) all communications channels collapsed and recovery of communication was a crucial task for rescue teams and people in danger.

T*MAS system was especially designed as a disaster GSM emergency recovery kit and can be deployed in a very short time as an independent local GSM network.

The main target of the system is to provide rescue forces GSM VPN infrastructure for use by all authorized personal.

Being portable and lightweight the system provides major GSM features available in commercial networks.

The T*MAS system is a light, transportable, independent, GSM base station that can be activated and operated by a single user in very short time. Its design makes the TMAS ideal for the support of tactical communications, public safety, homeland security, rescue teams, commercial communication providers, and other defense communications applications.

The T*MAS was designed to create a local, independent GSM network that can serve local authorized group

  • GSM services will not be connected to local network, meaning higher security level, no tapping, no charge…
  • List of authorized staff can be controlled and modified by system operator.
  • People can use their own GSM mobiles regardless of the commercial source
  • Provide GSM communication in catastrophe areas where GSM network collapsed
  • Can support GSM communication in areas that cannot get GSM transmission
  • Provides GSM communication for rescue forces deployed in other countries
  • Can support internal GSM communication of VIPs for security reasons while offering
    connectivity to the external providers by the proper prefix


Product Information

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